Improving pre-germinative treatments experiment

Improving pre-germinative treatments experiment

We have designed an experiment to improve pre-germinative treatments.
Usually the acorns are soaked for a couple of days, or cold stratification is done, but this must be done with sand, mixing the acorns in 3 times their volume in humid substrate at 4 degrees in refrigerators. In this way space is a problem.
As we are a small project but handle thousands of acorns, Daniel Calatayud is looking for a way to prepare many seeds while optimising space.
The test was how the seed behaves by increasing the number of days of soaking, at room temperature, in the fridge, with an air pump to oxygenate it, more than 5 days, etc.
And in general, they germinated very well!
This makes it easier for us to take the pre-germinated seeds to the mountain during the sowing season, if it rains. Next season we will test the viability of the technique in the field.

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