Things that we did in August

Things that we did in August

Other things we have done during August and September is to prepare all the documentation required to apply for a couple of grants.
One is to increase all our actions with the aim of caring for human health and the health of the land, which we consider to be two sides of the same coin.
And the other from the European Forest Institute, to pilot a project on innovative practices in forest restoration.
So a lot of paperwork for our methodologies to be financially supported.
Remember, if you want to collaborate with Semillistas you have options: Donate, participate in our activities, and disseminate our publications!

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Creating water retention ditches

Last week was International Forest Day, and alsoInternational Water Day. Here in Andalusia both are becoming increasingly scarce, and they are interdependent. In the picture you can see a technique

Seeds after harvested…

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Success of acorns sown 4 years ago

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