Acorn sowing training course video

Acorn sowing training course video

On 22nd July 2023 we were in Quentar offering the first 2 workshops (Block 2) of the Course on Methodology of direct sowing of acorns for reforestation. In these workshops Daniel Calatayud dealt with aspects such as:
– What is orthodox and recalcitrant seed biotechnology.
– How moisture content and temperature affect the storage and germination of acorns.
– Optimal storage and techniques to improve and control germination.
– The field germination process in natural and anthropogenic regeneration.
– Review of common practices of direct seeding of acorns. Optimal sowing.
You can follow the explanations of the course using  the ‘Manual of good practices for Quercus restoration projects in Mediterranean environments’ which is a written, expanded and improved version of the knowledge transmitted in this course.

The response of participation in the course exceeded our expectations, with 40 participants from various regions and organisations, among them: Plataforma Plantando Semillas Valle de Lecrin / Los Guajares, Sunseed (Almeria), Andalimpia (Málaga), Ecologistas en Accion Almeria – Plantabosques, Árboles contra el cambio climático (Granada), Asociación Herpetológica Granadina, Bosques para el Futuro (Granada), Fundación Aland (Murcia), Asociación Arrendajo, EcoRestoration Camp Altiplano – La Junquera (Murcia), Reverdecer (Alicante), Círculo de Permacultura de Granada y el Vivero comunitario de Quéntar que nos acogieron, junto con el Concejo de Brøstar y Ayto de Quentar.

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