Los Guajares two years after the fire
Although there is still soil loss, there is also a good regeneration (average) Some areas have more vegetation than others. There is still an area where nothing is growing, perhaps due to the soil being washed away by the sporadic rains.
The “resprouting” species (esparto grass, mastic, junipers, kermes oaks…) are growing well from the roots.
Taking part in Sulayr and Enraizarte
Last weekend we took part in several events with the Semillistas stand.
Lizzie, Audrey and Chloe were at the Sulayr Festival in Pampaneira.
Patri and Sergio were with the Semillistas stand at the Enraizarte permaculture festival in Peñascosa, Albacete.
Seeds, soil and rain erosion
We tell you more about the sowing we do in the Sierra de Los Guajares. At the end of January we sowed orthodox seeds (small seeds) of mastic, aladern, carob and broom. The success of these sowings has been scarce, only a few seedlings have come to life.
Revision of sowing after the Los Guajares fire
We would like to show you the review we have done of the sowings after the fire in Los Guajáres (20 months ago).They were carried out in February (after the […]
Little things you learn by doing…
Things you learn by doing.In December 2022 on the summit of Sierra Lújar (1500m high) 123 acorns were planted.The peculiarity was that they had no protection, they were simply checked […]
Sowing results in “Olias1”
We would like to show you the results of the sowings of February 2023 in the plot known as “Olías 1”, of less than 1 hectare at an altitude of […]
Piornos, acorns and wild boars
In the picture we see a set of three piornos together. There are many types, but they share the characteristics of not being very tall and growing in a rounded […]
More experiments against rodents
Another system we tested against rodents is a steel fibre mesh. This is usually used in construction, and country people use it to clean tools of rust. It is cheap […]
September sowing trials on piornos in September
The images are from the tests carried out in September in relation to the sowings between the piornos that we mentioned.In the first one, we can see the holm oak […]
Testing experimental protectors
Preparations for sowing at the summit of Sierra Lújar.Here we see different protection systems. We want to experiment with options that are compostable (do not leave residues) such as pressed […]