In Los Guájares and Sierra Lújar, waiting for rain

In Los Guájares and Sierra Lújar, waiting for rain

At Semillistas, our hands are ready, our seeds are prepared, and our enthusiasm is intact. However, nature reminds us that the time to sow also depends on her.

A few months ago, in October and November, Sierra los Guájares received more than 200 litres of rain. It was the perfect opportunity to sow, but at that time we did not have the resources to do so. Now that we have everything prepared, the picture has changed: there is still enough moisture left in the deep soil, but the topsoil is too dry to sow. We only need a little rain of about 30 litres to get started.

In Sierra Lújar, the situation is different. Although the rains have been more continuous, they have not been deep enough. Here we are hoping for more intense rains to allow the acorns to germinate and develop deep roots.

Although these conditions delay our plans, we are not discouraged. We know that working with nature involves patience and adaptability. We continue to learn, adjust our strategies and, above all, take care of every detail for when the time comes.

In the meantime, we thank all the people who trust in our work and support us. We promise to keep informing you about the progress, and as soon as the rain comes, we will be there, sowing hope and future.

Let’s keep working together for greener forests and a kinder planet!

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