Little things you learn by doing…

Little things you learn by doing…

Things you learn by doing.
In December 2022 on the summit of Sierra Lújar (1500m high) 123 acorns were planted.
The peculiarity was that they had no protection, they were simply checked beforehand for signs of wild boar activity in the area.
Eighty-seven trees were established, which is great, but it made us realise that the soil freezing at that time slowed the progress of the seeds. The evidence is that the germination rate was around 41% whereas in Olías (lower altitude) it was 63% and with a stupendous survival rate of 86%.
Of course we can’t make it rain whenever we want, but it was clear that the sowing days had to be organised around March. We may be in the Mediterranean, but it’s pretty cold!

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