Pampering seeds

Pampering seeds

Hello, Seedlings!

We’re taking a little break to tell you some exciting things! As some of you already know, we’ve been busy as ants in summer lately and, in between all this hustle and bustle, we’ve been preparing something very special: our seeds for the next big sowing!

Watch this video: these are the preparations! As you can see, we are in full swing with the treatments for our orthodox seeds. We’re not going to bore you with complicated scientific names (even if it’s called ‘Solid Matrix Priming’ and it’s really cool, right?), the important thing is that we’re pampering them so that they’ll be perfect when the time comes to plant them. It’s a kind of ‘intensive pampering’ to make sure they are born strong and healthy.

And what seeds are we preparing with so much love? Well, a lot of them! We have *Pinus pinea* (stone pine), *Pinus laricio* (laricio pine), *Phillyrea latifolia* (wintergreen), *Pistacia lentiscus* (lentiscus), *Retama sphaerocarpa* (broom), *Ceratonia siliqua* (carob) and *Tetraclinis articulata* (araar). If we get any of them mixed up, please excuse us!

We hope to have them all ready after Epiphany, ready to germinate and take root with the first rain. And yes, we think this is perfect news to share with you!

We keep working to bring life back to our forests! Thank you for joining us in this adventure!

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