
"The re-greening of nature will occur at the same time as the greening of our hearts"

“Siembrabosques” is a regeneration pilot project that unites the reforestation of the Sierra Lujar forests, with citizen participation and health care for the surrounding local communities.

We have a multidisciplinary team made up of permaculturists, educators, computer scientists, artists, ecologists, social workers and therapists with ecological and humanist concerns. Everyone that joins Siembrabosques gives the project a broader community vision. We are actively regenerating and caring for the health of the earth and the human community that inhabits it, increasing resilience in the forest and in social fabric of the area. In addition we offer volunteers to participate in reforestation activities, creating spaces for physical and mental health care.

Established trees/shrubs
+ 1000
Volunteers participating in sowing days
+ 100
Therapy sessions for volunteers and the local community
Educational and awareness-raising talks and workshops

Do you want to know more about the Siembrabosques project?

Dona en nuestra campaña para que podamos financiar este sueño verde

(Puedes solicitar la devolución de un 80% de lo que dones en tu declaración de la renta 2025, hasta 250€)