Results of the 2024 sowings in Órgiva

Results of the 2024 sowings in Órgiva

On 2 hectares of a land close to Órgiva we sow 2000 acorns and more than 500 seeds of other plants.

It’s 500 metres of altitude on the north side, an area of scrubland and abandoned agricultural terraces, with some olive and almond trees abandoned.
Many holm oaks were sown with seedshelter and electric shepherd, but the rest are being tested in many different parts of the Alpujarra to observe their behaviour.
Here you can see the results of sowing after the rains, with seeds treated with “priming”.

That is, under controlled conditions in the laboratory, pre-germinating and storing them until the optimum time for sowing, germinating shortly after (a fantastic technique for seeds that would naturally have very high dormancy).
It is very interesting to have the opportunity to study so many plants in different locations, facing the summer and the stress it entails, to see the survival rates, and to design appropriate methodologies for each species. The most studied ones have given better results, and with the information we gather, we will improve the practices with the others.

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