Nature does not plant trees...
it sows seeds.

At Semillistas we are dedicated to restore the Mediterranean forest through ecosocial design. We use innovative methods of direct sowing with improved seeds, instead of traditional tree planting.

We want to make the Mediterranean green again and help other people and organizations to do the same in their territories.

Our way of doing

We take care of our land

We halt desertification and climate change, with reforestation and regeneration of land eroded by fire and human action. We promote biodiversity.

We take care of our health

We promote physical and mental health of the local population, as it is indissociable from environmental health. We implement internal mechanisms that promote health at work and in labour relations.

We take care of our rural community

We create new economic opportunities, enriching and taking care of our natural heritage sustainably and respectfully. We promote a participatory and resilient society. We educate towards valuing and conserving the natural heritage, promoting land stewardship and its re-appropriation.

We take care of our knowledge

We publish the results of our research and development on a free and non-profit basis. No patents or copyrights.

"By taking care of us, we take care of the planet."

Our projects


We are carrying out a comprehensive regeneration pilot project that unites the reforestation of the Sierra Lujar forests, with citizen participation and health care for the surrounding local communities.


We have created the only laboratory in Spain for the study of forest seed biotechnology. In the methodology we are creating, we combine the observation of natural regeneration processes with academic knowledge of seed technologies (priming & pelleting).


We are currently starting a project to disseminate and replicate our methodology on a peninsular scale, inviting sister groups and initiatives to walk together.

Our blog

Take a look at our latest blog posts

Sunday the 12th was a very special day for our community at Semillistas: we welcomed twelve young people from the European Solidarity Corps who will accompany us for the next two months in Órgiva! These volunteers are full of energy, eager to learn and above all, with the enthusiasm to make a difference in the reforestation and regeneration of our forests.
On the 10th of January, we took a very important step to move forward with our reforestation projects. We held a special training for all the people we are going to hire to carry out the sowing, a key moment in which we prepared ourselves for one of the most fundamental tasks: sowing with love and knowledge!

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Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030
Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030
Plant for the Planet
Plant for the Planet


Ayuntamiento de Órgiva
Ayuntamiento de Órgiva
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Sol y Tierra
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Frectaris Web Design
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Asoc. Aguabosque
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Sunseed Desert Technology
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Fundación Tierra Pura
Fundación Tierra Pura
Ecosystem Restoration Camps Altiplano
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Vivero Comunitario de Quentar
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UGR Solidaria
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Plataforma Plantando Semillas Guajares y Valle de Lecrin
Miamicci Shoes

Dona en nuestra campaña para que podamos financiar este sueño verde

(Puedes solicitar la devolución de un 80% de lo que dones en tu declaración de la renta 2025, hasta 250€)